So yesterday, I worked a little on my thesis, but mainly focused on finishing all of my homework.
I thought more about each idea, especially the meteorite strewn field. Here's my new list:
4-Dimensional representations
Chemical arts (photograph, chromatography, crystals)
- maybe a combination of these; no focus on one area.
Art portfolio - collection of works with theme/purpose
Mapping a Strewnfield*
Comanche-Iron (Iron IAB-sLL)~19.7 kg: Contact 3RF, maybe map during thanksgiving/winter/spring break(?) All finds donated to 3RF.
Llano River (Iron IIIAB)~4.32 kg; 30° 31' 20"N, 99° 44' 13"W
Wimberley (Iron IIIAB) ~ 7.8 kg; 29° 58'N, 98° 7'W
- I found two more close(ish) meteorites, but I can expand my search parameters to different types of irons. (It needs to be an iron meteorite because stone and stony-iron ones will be very hard to find with my metal detector.)
Synthetic Spider Silk
Research current synthesis methods + potential applications
Develop new synthesis(+COMMERCIAL) methods + potential applications
Order materials, synthesize at home(?) - probably not; the only method I can think of is the needle+acid. It'd be so cool if it works though!
Composition for trumpet - this is very iffy, I haven't taken any theory. I have written music before, but it likely won't be good enough for professional musicians.
Study of gravity/friction
Community Service Project
Raise money for clean water
- I can obviously think of other ideas later, and maybe more local projects could work.
Political Correspondence
Raise awareness about...
nuclear waste, criminal justice reform, global warming, clean energy, etc.
(bold are ideas I like best)
I can continue my search for possible strewnfields, I also have to keep in mind various factors such as: who owns the land, is it the best place to look (arid climate, flat, etc.), how much has already been found, and how long ago it was found (there may not be any pieces left, or new land developments might make them impossible to find).
I think that I'll stay away from art/music because not only will it be hard to do for professional judges, but it would be hard to write a substantive paper on.
The synthetic spider silk thing might be a possibility, I will do more research on that today.
- Noah
*-The meteorite data was taken from the Meteoritical Bulletin, an online meteorite database. (
Outstanding. Nice work.