Monday, September 4, 2017


Yes, I forgot to post again.

Yesterday, I looked at the synthetic silk idea more. I think that if I am to do that as my project, it will have to be purely research, and then propose ideas for applications. I did find the contact information for one of the leaders of the research team at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences who actually made an important discovery.

What the SLU team found was that they could manipulate the DNA of certain bacteria to produce the spider silk proteins, which they could then collect. They could then put the protein into a highly concentrated solution, pump it into an acidic bath through a needle, and the protein would polymerize. They were able to make strands close to a kilometer long.

I also learned more about AMSilk, who seek to commercially produce silk (not sure of their methods). I heard about them years ago, and they really haven't seemed to make much progress.

I will probably email the person at SLU and see if I can learn more, and (maybe) obtain a sample of the silk for the presentation/demonstrative purposes.

Art portfolio - collection of works with theme/purpose

Mapping a Strewnfield*
Comanche-Iron (Iron IAB-sLL)~19.7 kg: Contact 3RF, maybe map during thanksgiving/winter/spring break(?) All finds donated to 3RF. 
Llano River (Iron IIIAB)~4.32 kg; 30° 31' 20"N, 99° 44' 13"W
Wimberley (Iron IIIAB) ~ 7.8 kg; 29° 58'N, 98° 7'W

Synthetic Spider Silk
Research current synthesis methods + potential applications

Study of gravity/friction 

Community Service Project
Raise money for clean water
- I can obviously think of other ideas later, and maybe more local projects could work.

Political Correspondence
Raise awareness about...
nuclear waste, criminal justice reform, global warmingclean energy, etc.
(bold are ideas I like best)

- Noah

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